• 00989124780268
  • info@araco.ir
Electric Actuator design

Electric Actuator design

MOV and electrical actuator design and prototyping

Here at ARACo we value the difference between copy, reverse engineering and design a product. As many may not trouble themeselves to re-invent the wheel, we get boared if we dont do so! Electric actuatores are vastly used in many different industries such as oil and gas, steel and other metals manufacturing etc. What we did was re calculating of all aspects of an electric actuator. Motor power, gears ratio, module of gears, tolerances, heat treatment, material selection, even voltage and current of electric motor.

prototype of motorized valve wich is made by ARACo

In this new route, we may fall on the ground, but we learn thing many will not! So our next design becames more efficient, practical, easy to manufacture, reliable and even beutiful!
Now we are ready to design your special actuator to achive better results.
Our engineers at ARACo are able to design linear and rotary electric actuators with great accuracy, power and safety factor to provide reliability for your costumers.

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