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Product Design
14 Feb 1394

Product Design

What does product design mean?

Product design is the process of reviewing, providing solutions, building, and presenting a product to meet customer needs.
Since there are no the same definitions of "product design" in different industries and disciplines, two general definitions of this concept are provided. One definition is a word and the other is a series of actions and activities.
In a word, product design means the characteristics of an artifact including its form and shape (from an aesthetic point of view, the tactile sense of a device) and its function (including capabilities).
But as a process, it means a set of actions and strategies, from the Idea Generation stage to the final stage of Commercialization. Basically, product designers conceptualize and evaluate different ideas and then define them as research in industrial and scientific formats.
The role of product designers is to combine art, science, and technology to create services and products that people or companies use.
The growing role of these people (product designers) is now evolving using the technologies and tools of the virtual world, which include software for design, analysis, simulation, and group building and integration. This software allows designers to communicate and analyze all aspects of the design by communicating effectively and like-minded, and finally provide products that, in addition to higher quality, require less cost, time, and manpower than in the past.

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